Research Article
Digital Defiance’s Affecting Use of Information Communication Technology Deployed for Prevention and Detection of Crime in Community Policing in Malawi
David Kumwenda*
Mavuto Tembo,
Chrispin Mphande,
Vincent Nundwe,
Thokozani Andrew Chazema
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2024
24 May 2024
14 June 2024
3 July 2024
Abstract: ICTs digital space has modernized citizen socialization amongst citizens to enhance security and is augmenting for lack of resource constraints as well as promoting less agents on ground thereby strengthening internal security through community policing. Availability of ICT gadgets, applications, and initiatives make simple and influential crime reporting and crime control. This study examines factors that affect the use of information communication technology deployed for crime prevention and detection in community policing. Mixed methods exploratory sequential design was used to collect data. Qualitative purposive sampling targeted four focus group discussions of 10 participants each and one key informant interview of 10 participants, interview guide instrument was utilized. Quantitative household survey used Yamene (1969) formular to identify 432 respondents who were randomly distributed into 10 locations of Muloza and used structured questionnaire. Qualitative data analysis follows transcribing, coding, and grouping into sub-themes, themes that answer research objectives aided by NVivo application. Quantitative analysis used descriptive statistics in SPSS version 20. Under pragmatics paradigm guided by democratic participation, social-disorganization and broken window theories, results show that the majority of ICTs are mobile telephones, which play an important role in the storage, dissemination, and replication of security information in community policing. Dominated by married persons at 56.5% in the youth category of 57.2% respondents. The police are faced with the technical challenge of installing and maintaining ICTs. The police have no ICT resources deployed for the prevention, detection, and investigation of crime in Muloza. Hence, the police rely on personal mobile phones, which are operated on do it yourself as convenience by victim or law enforcement agent to follow an issue. Regression when tested at confidence interval 95.0% showed that some factors have significance value on use of ICTs deployed for prevention and detection of crime in community policing (i) Age at p=.001 (ii) Education at p=.000 (iii) Income at p=.000 (iv) Knowledge expertise at p=.000 (v) Cost of accessing technologies at p=.009 and (vi) Trust issues between police and people at p=.009. The importance of ICTs is that they have revolutionized monitoring and surveillance that may improve prevention, detection, and investigation of crime in community policing, and allow for storage, dissemination, and replication of security information. Proper use of ICTs for prevention and detection of crime may improve police investigations. Citizens’ wide use of ICTs in formal and non-formal ways may help reduce corruption through wide information storage replication and dissemination.
Abstract: ICTs digital space has modernized citizen socialization amongst citizens to enhance security and is augmenting for lack of resource constraints as well as promoting less agents on ground thereby strengthening internal security through community policing. Availability of ICT gadgets, applications, and initiatives make simple and influential crime re...
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Research Article
Simulation of Onion Response to Soil Moisture Stress at Different Growth Stages on Yield and Water Productivity Using Aquacrop
Solomon Gezie Kebede*
István Waltner
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2024
19 February 2024
19 March 2024
23 July 2024
Abstract: The objective of this study is to select the most effective water-saving techniques and improve the water productivity of irrigated onion. The phenological growth of onion, the crop was subjected to moisture stress during one, two, or three of the growth stages. The highest yield attained was 21.157 tons/ha and the lowest was 7.177 tons/ha. Treatments T3 & T4 were water stressed during second and last growth stages produce yields that weren’t significantly different from the yield achieved under completely irrigated (T1). Compared to the maximum yield, 22.3% to 48.4% lower yields were recorded under treatments subjected to water deficiency during two growth stages. Treatments that were stressed during one growth stage had a 2.6 to 42.7% yield reduction relative to the maximum yield. The highest yield reduction was observed under treatment irrigated during the first growth stage (T8), followed by irrigated during first and second growth stages (T7), first and late stages (T5) and then treatment not irrigated during midseason (T2). This shows that a prolonged deficiency over three growing stages has more yield reduction (T8). Plots stressed during both third and fourth growth stages were producing lower yields indicating the severe effects of water stress during flowering and early bulb filling stages on yield. Water savings achieved under different treatments with no significant differences in yield from full irrigated plots range 11.8% to 21.7% (T4 & T3) respectively.
Abstract: The objective of this study is to select the most effective water-saving techniques and improve the water productivity of irrigated onion. The phenological growth of onion, the crop was subjected to moisture stress during one, two, or three of the growth stages. The highest yield attained was 21.157 tons/ha and the lowest was 7.177 tons/ha. Treatme...
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